Innovation is the future
Experiments in height
In the search of the thermal ampliutude, to make the vine by the day incorporate a series of qualitatively important elements for the future wine, and at hight achieve "fix them" the height plays a determining role...
Bobal Resistance to Drought
The Bobal is a variety of red grapes. It is a strain that is very resitant to climatic inclemencies and pests, and very productive, which make it ideal for areas that are not very rainy such as la Manchuela...
Future of la Cepa de Pelayo
We want to innovate today to lay the foundations of tomorrow.
Experiments with Barrels
Several investigations conclude that the maximum concentrations of the compounds, transferred to the wine by the wood are reached between 10 and 12 month of wine permanence in the barrels.
That is wy in la Cepa de Pelayo winery we also dedicate efforts to reseach in this aspect, in order to always have the best possible wine.
“ has been proven that as of the year, the concentration of these compunds, positive for the aroma of the wine, not only did not increase but in some cases it began to decrease...»”
Teresa Garde Cerdán.